Friday, August 17

xx_ I hate the laundry room

ok so I've been doing the same one load if laundry for the last hour. But it's not even dry yet. I wish there where more than four driers. It sucks that you can two, almost three cycles in the wash in the time it takes to do ONE in the drier. blah.
But Amelia and Kendra are coming up with Grandma Charlotte tonight. I hope they are having fun in Grandma's car. Oh yeah her new car. So I don't know what to do with them. I know that we're staying in a hotel tonight but I'm not sure if where having dinner. Most likely, Grandmas cool like that. But I don't know where. It'll have to be somewhere that Amelia can eat. Her allergies make that a little hard. But this is Portland baby. It should be to hard. And I'm sure they won't put meat in everything.
I made my lip bleed last night. I don't know why I did it. I woke up at about four and it was bleeding. It's kinda weird. I don't know what I was dreaming about, but it must have not been my normal kinds of dream. Maybe I'll randomly think of it during some random time in the day.
Anyway I think that's all thats been going on today. I'll have more later tonight after I've done something interesting.

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