Friday, January 25


[[stupid face>>]]
After watching a short on ABC(dot)com from the view about Bisexual women I want to explode. The women on the show are poorly informed in thinking that bi-sexuality is a faze. Whats-her-face the preppy blond one going on about the BUG. (bi until grad) was, forgive the pun, bugging me. Sure everybody like to experiment. I'd be doubtful if three out of their five denied experimenting at least once.
And their comments about monagamy where insulting. I understand now why people think that if you're bisexual that you are a cheating scum whore. And really, would they say the same thing about a white girl who liked black men and white men? If she was with a white guy would she be with a black guy too? No, because if you're with a person, the right person, regardless of gender or race, you are with them. End of story.
Whoopie seems to get it. The fact that just because you go both ways doesn't mean that you have to act on both feelings. duh.
So not wanting to spend more time doing something that makes my brain want to explode I am here by banning the view from ever being something I watch willingly again.

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